Av G. S. Den 12/Dec/2024 :

    Titel : Great Taste
    Kommentar : Surprisingly good actually. I grew Mike Tyson's NYCD in some leftover coco and it grew pretty solid. 4 stars cause only 1 outta 3 germed

    Av T. T. Den 25/Nov/2024 :

    Titel : Wanted more SOUR!!!!
    Kommentar : I may have harvested a week or two early, but it wasn't the flavor I was expecting for a sour. That being said, SUPER PINEY smelling and definitely will get you baked. I roll it up because other strains I have taste so much better in a bowl! All preference as I grew some other bud years prior that smelled exactly like it and I didn't care much for the taste of that strain either, but a high school friend and her boyfriend LOVED it. That was awesome because I could trade! 😅

    Av Z. L. Den 31/Oct/2024 :

    Titel : Great!
    Kommentar : Loving the quality!! Thank you for the quick shipping!

    Av D. . Den 21/Oct/2024 :

    Titel : Sour D is 100% in my book
    Kommentar : Great lookin plant mine grew like a cactus very cool looking , smells amazing and taste as good as it smells . Nice Buzz . i will be growing more of this . Thanks RQS

    Av K. J. Den 11/Oct/2024 :

    Titel : Only 4 for now cause they're still growing
    Kommentar : I bought 10 and germinated 3 to start and so far they've all popped and are almost 4 weeks in. 2/3 are decent size while the 3rd is small but growing. Even though they're not big they have a strong smell thus far

    Av T. C. Den 08/Oct/2024 :

    Titel : Timur
    Kommentar : Perfekt

    Av W. B. Den 27/Sep/2024 :

    Titel : Still at the Lab
    Kommentar : I'm a fan of Sour D,,,. So when I saw this,, I had to get it. Especially Kid Dynamite strains..... Ordered 1st order,,. Got it prompt ..3pk. 2 died because of me... Last one grew great, outdoor in ground.... Buuut,, it grew Airy... Flowers didn't get tight like it should be.... Yeah, buds were very Airy... But behold,,.the smoke is Killer..... Tested flower,,. Oh man. Hella strong. Classic uppy sour D effect..... Iove it... Maybe that bean was a bad pheno... I already ordered & received more Sour D autos.. I don't give up,. Gonna give this strain another run... Will order more.. overall maybe bad pheno BUT killer smoke.... Hav more going now...will report back...

    Av J. A. Den 23/Sep/2024 :

    Titel : una sativa, la otra indica
    Kommentar : al principio la indica más pequeña, pero ahora los cogollos mas grandes, la sativa mas pequeños pero más cantidad.

    Av A. O. Den 13/Sep/2024 :

    Titel : 'I thank GOD that I'm not a phony'- M.Tyson
    Kommentar : Weak start, strong finish, good high.

    Av T. K. Den 13/Sep/2024 :

    Titel : NYC Super :D
    Kommentar : Everything nice. Harvest was outstanding!

    Av J. R. Den 20/Aug/2024 :

    Titel : This is one of my favs
    Kommentar : growing three of these and they're amazing the growth was slow at first for me but once they got used to the weather they grew fast. Good genetics for outdoor desert growers loves the heat over 110 no signs of it disliking it I'm happy with the results 💪🏾

    Av N. A. Den 09/Aug/2024 :

    Titel : Survivor
    Kommentar : Did so many wrong things as it was my first time growing (transfered it outside very early, it survived storms and it catched some insects, the first leaves where very deformed and had white spots, the weather hasnt been good in her growing phase) but the plant survived with no Intervention and has doubled in size just in two weeks and branched beautifuly. It looks super healthy and beautiful and it started blooming 😍

    Av Á. A. Den 06/Aug/2024 :

    Titel : Top class
    Kommentar : grows fast, yields big, and has a potent, energizing high. A must-try for you guys if you are starting like me

    Av D. D. Den 06/Aug/2024 :

    Titel : NYC Auto - Nice One!
    Kommentar : Just smoked my first one after a few months growing it. Good harvest in comparison to most autos, and amazing aromas aswell. Got me pretty high with a small one.

    Av G. G. Den 31/Jul/2024 :

    Titel : G.G
    Kommentar : Also die Pflanze wurde bei mir wirklich die kleinste, hatte ca 20G trocken, doch diese 20 schmecken klasse und der Geruch ist super. Werde wieder welche bestellen und vielleicht werden die auch dieses Mal größer

    Av C. S. Den 17/Jul/2024 :

    Titel : Nada
    Kommentar : Am Anfang ging es langsam los. Aber sie sind aufgegangen nach 3 bis 5 Tagen ,bin überrascht wie schnell sie wachsen . Respekt stinken schon wie ein großer. Bin guter Dinge.

    Av M. N. Den 10/Jul/2024 :

    Titel : NYC Sour D Auto
    Kommentar : 100% keimrate---> hoffe der Rest wird auch so herausragend :)

    Av B. M. Den 02/Jul/2024 :

    Titel : Schnelle Lieferung und gute Keimrate
    Kommentar : Die Samen wurden super schnell geliefert. Alle 3 Samen die ich eingepflanzt habe sind auch gekeimt. Die Pflanzen an sich wachsen zudem sehr ordentlich und ich bin gespannt wie sie sich noch entwickeln werden.

    Av M. G. Den 30/May/2024 :

    Titel : OG 1974
    Kommentar : Vor 4 Wochen geerntet, Hammer Ertrag super Geschmack und der Turn typische sour diesel. Ist auf jeden Fall eine meiner Lieblingssorten by RQS

    Av M. W. Den 20/May/2024 :

    Titel : Iron Mike
    Kommentar : Meine Pflanze ist noch jung. Sie ist aber gesund und stabil. Werde definitiv noch die anderen Tyson 2.0 Sorten testen. Top Qualität!

    Av S. T. Den 16/May/2024 :

    Titel : NYC Sour D
    Kommentar : Super nice am wachsen. Am Anfang etwas kahler wuchs aber zum ende hin trotzdem noch ein ziemlicher Busch geworden. Kann ich nur empfehlen.

    Av F. Y. Den 11/Apr/2024 :

    Titel : Vigorous
    Kommentar : The plants displayed robust growth from seedling to harvest. Happy with the result! :)

    Av O. D. Den 11/Apr/2024 :

    Titel : NYC Sour D Auto
    Kommentar : Germination of the seeds 3/3, we will see how they behave. Delivery from RQS quite fast as always.

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