Blue Cheese
Original Cheese x Oregon Blueberry Blend
Typ av sort: | Feminiserade |
THC: | 19% |
CBD: | Medium |
Utbyte inomhus : | 500 - 550 gr/m2 |
Utbyte Utomhus : | 500 - 550 gr/plant |
Höjd Inomhus : | 100 - 160 cm |
Höjd Utomhus : | 140 - 200 cm |
Blommande: | 8 - 9 veckor |
Skörd-månad : | Sent i September |
Genetisk bakgrund: | Original Cheese x Oregon Blueberry Blend |
Typ : | Sativa 40% Indica 60% |
Effekt: | Berusande, Fysiskt avslappnande, Klar |
Klimat : | Korta somrar |
Smak: | Fruktig, Godis, Ost |
Titel : Fast delivery
Kommentar : Arrived quicker than expected
Titel : Really nice!
Kommentar : Not a potent strain but really enjoyable and mellow daytime high, more on the blues side but I’m sure there’s photos that are like the old school classic blues! Not complaining one bit! So nice to try fresh home grown compared to the street here that they say is blue cheese.
Titel : Delicious! Nice dense buds!
Kommentar : Everyone I have shared this with love the strain too ... really tasty, nice medium plant for my indoor grow, a favorite here!!
Titel : Botaniker
Kommentar : Eine sehr Potente und genussvolle Pflanze. Leicht im Anbau, für Anfänger gut geeignet 👍
Titel : Good strain for beginners
Kommentar : I've had good success with this strain, would buy again
Titel : JBL
Kommentar : Gutes Produkt. Hat mich nicht enttäuscht.
Titel : Ottima esperienza
Kommentar : Pianta vigorosa in germinazione e molto resistente durante la crescita, ottima resa consigliata
Titel : Top Produkt
Kommentar : Habe die Blue Cheese im Indoor Bereich angebaut und muss sagen die Babys waren der Wahnsinn.
Titel : Great
Kommentar : First time grower here bought 1 of these and starting kit that came with 3apple fritter auto and started germination in mid August (late i know), the blue cheese started slow died in her 3 week (my fault there) and 2 of the 3 apple fritter seeds that popped are going great, they indoor now been doing lots of LST and growing wide asf, lots of trycomes on the buds, predicting harvest in the last week of October or first November.
The free seeds saved my first try growing hahaha, thank you RQS
Titel : Schmuser
Kommentar : Ich habe die Blue Cheese im Mai keimen lassen und kann in ein oder zwei Wochen ernten.
Die Buds und Zuckerblätter sind extrem voll von Trichomen übersät, es ist der wahnsinn.
Titel : nice
Kommentar : Two out of two seeds have germinated. But they were so different. In terms of growth behaviour, fertiliser utilisation and aroma. The cultivar should definitely have been stabilised better.
Titel : Patrick
Kommentar : These seeds were my 1st grow, although i thought id messed up at the ens and i dried them too fast i got 150g dry weight, mostly big dense nugs and tasting better every day!
Titel : OG630
Kommentar : Etwas schwer zu trainieren man muss etwas intensiver ran als zb bei einer runtz, und wir vermutlich nicht viel abwerfen aber sieht trotzdem lecker aus und richt geil
Titel : Great all round
Kommentar : Really love this strain, had the blue cheese a couple of times now and I have to say every plant has been top quality, highly recommend trying them out , plants all had great taste great bud structure and growth all round, excellent genetics really well done R.Q.S 👏
Titel : Super Geschmack
Kommentar : Wie immer sind alle Samen gekeimt. Der Anbau verlief ohne Probleme und der Geschmack ist super.
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