+ 3
aka Critical Mass
Typ av sort: | Feminiserade |
THC: | 18% |
CBD: | Låg |
Utbyte inomhus : | 550 - 600 gr/m2 |
Utbyte Utomhus : | 600 - 650 gr/plant |
Höjd Inomhus : | 80 - 140 cm |
Höjd Utomhus : | 180 - 220 cm |
Blommande: | 7 - 9 veckor |
Skörd-månad : | Sent i September |
Genetisk bakgrund: | Afghani x Skunk |
Typ : | Sativa 40% Indica 60% |
Effekt: | Berusande, Fysiskt avslappnande, Tung |
Klimat : | Korta somrar |
Smak: | Fruktig, Godis, Jordaktiga, Skunk, Tall |
Titel : kompakte Buds
Kommentar : Habe meine Critical mehrmals getoppt, habe viele mittelgroße, richtig kompakte Buds geerntet. Bin sehr zufrieden!
Titel : Einfach abzubauen und lecker
Kommentar : Anfängerfreundlich, verzeit viele Fehler, lecker im Geschmack und Geruch, Wirkung stimmt auch
Titel : Penpen
Kommentar : Also ich bin Anfängerin und ich habe die Pflanze zum wachsen gebracht auch wenn sie noch nicht reif ist super
Titel : Good strong plant big buds
Kommentar : Second grow. Top seeds as always nice big buds.
Titel : Critical seeds
Kommentar : Great seeds!! Harvested at 7 weeks!! Great company!!
Titel : Cyril
Kommentar : Excellent produit recommande fortement
Titel : Phenomenal!!
Kommentar : This strain grew nice tight stacked buds. With a very strong and gassy candy aroma.
Titel : Beautiful Plant Amazing Strain
Kommentar : It wasn't the plant I was looking forward to but damn this strain became 1 of my favorites. Buds dense and terpene profile is delicious
Titel : Solide Genetik
Kommentar : Dieser Strain lohnt sich immer: hoher Ertrag, geiler Geschmack und top Wirkung. Wachstum ist schnell und buschig, wenig Streckung.
Titel : 1 free seed
Kommentar : I got 1 free seed with my sundae driver and I like critical better had to order some more of these beautiful girls!
Titel : Filippo
Kommentar : Ist gut gewachsen bin sehr zufrieden
Titel : excellent yield from a hardy plant
Kommentar : very hardy, compact plant with an excellent yield; spiral buds the entire length of the plant. taste is pretty generally dank. i really enjoy it before sleep so i wake up feeling charged up.
Titel : Amazing!
Kommentar : All 4 seeds germinated and we had no problem growing. Critical is such an easy grow and the green is phenomenal!
Titel : Awesome strain- Critical
Kommentar : Very pleasantly surprised by this- smooth soon after harvesting, great head high. Highly recommend.
Titel : Mrs
Kommentar : Keimrate liegt bei 70 - 80%, teilweise keimt der Samen, aber der Keimling wächst einfach nicht weiter.
Zwei sind zudem gezwittert.
Hii.is it Auto flowering or photo period ?
Please find the autoflowering version of this seed at the following link: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/autoflowering-cannabis-seeds/123-royal-critical-automatic.html
Hey because the lifespan is so short does it work like autos where they change automatically? Or do you have to change the lighting times like regulars?
Please note this plant is photo-dependent, so you will need to change the lighting.
Hey guys does this plant give a odour when flowering
The smell of your plants would depend on several factors If your plants are healthy and happy their smell will be stronger. Some companion plants can serve a masking function for the characteristic Cannabis plant smell. Here is a link with some basic information about it https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-companion-planting-for-cannabis-what-you-need-to-know-n338
Quanto settimane ci mette a crescere prima di iniziare la fase di fioritura?
7-8 weeks. You can check this information in each product data sheet.
Cannabisfrön kan distribueras fritt inom EU under principen om ömsesidigt erkännande. Dock är det ditt eget ansvar att kontrollera lokala lagar och förordningar innan du beställer.
Cannabisfrön kan distribueras fritt inom EU under principen om ömsesidigt erkännande. Dock är det ditt eget ansvar att kontrollera lokala lagar och förordningar innan du beställer.