• Titan F1
  • Titan F1
  • Titan F1
  • Titan F1
  • Titan F1
  • Titan F1
  • Titan F1 + 3

Titan F1

Blue Dream x Sugar Magnolia x Amnesia

Titan F1 sticker ut som ett av de mest kraftfulla alternativen från vår linje med F1-hybrider. Tack vare sin genetiska härstamning, producerar den skyhöga nivåer av THC och mängder med läckra terpener. Dessutom blir plantorna bara måttligt höga samtidigt som de krämar ur imponerande avkastningar.
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€ 16.00
€ 40.00
€ 60.00
€ 110.00
€ 220.00
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€ 40.00

€ 40.00 (-0%)

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Titan F1: En av de starkaste F1-hybriderna

Vad tänker du när du hör ordet "Titan"? En del associerar det med barnen från Uranus i grekisk mytologi. Andra känner till Titan som Saturnus största måne. Och de med gröna fingrar då? Dessa människor känner igen Titan F1 som en cannabissort med modern genetik. Som en av de första äkta F1-autoblommande hybriderna, erbjuder denna pionjärvariant något produktivt, motståndskraftigt och helt nytt. Även om Titan F1 inte är född från himlakroppar, har den fortfarande imponerande anor! Talangfulla förädlare skapade denna F1 genom att korsa inavlade linjer som delar ett arv med Blue Dream, Sugar Magnolia och Amnesia.

Titan F1

Effekter, smaker och aromer hos F1: Kraftfulla effekter och sockriga citrusnoter

Titan F1 kommer få ditt luktsystem att njuta under hela blomningsfasen och längre än så. Denna autoblommande sort släpper lös en kraftfull terpenprofil bestående av mestadels myrcene, farnesene, ocimene, pinen, bisabolol och limonen. Kombinerat ger dessa aromatiska föreningar noter av frukt, godis och citrongräs. Med den högsta THC-koncentrationen inom vårt F1-hybridsortiment, utövar Titan F1 en kraftfull och snabbagerande effekt som smälter musklerna och rensar sinnet. Perfekt att njuta av efter en lång dags arbete.

Titan F1

Odla Titan F1: Diskreta plantor med hög avkastning

Med en genomsnittlig höjd på 65 cm kan du odla Titan F1 i stort sett överallt och hålla en låg profil. Denna buskiga planta har en indica-morfologi, ett enormt trikomantal och utvecklas till ett moget exemplar på cirka 73 dagar från groning. Gör dig redo för en enhetlig, konsekvent gröda som kommer att trivas i nästan alla miljöer.

Titan F1 Flowering Time
Titan F1 data sheet
Variant: F1 Hybrid auto
Genetisk bakgrund: Blue Dream x Sugar Magnolia x Amnesia
THC: Ultrahög
Avkastning: XXL
Höjd: 55 - 75 cm
Blommande: 40 - 45 dagar
Skörda: 70 - 75 dagar efter grodd
Huvudterpener: Farnesene, Karyofyllen, Myrcene, Ocimene
Effekt: Fokus, Fysiskt avslappnande, Lugnande, Upplyftande
Smak: Diesel, Godis, Ört, Tall, Vanilj
Klimat : Korta somrar

    Av K. L. Den 23/Feb/2025 :

    Titel : Impressed
    Kommentar : I grew a Medusa last year, was so impressed that I ordered all of the F1’s first I have purchased 22 seeds from Royal queen and harvested 20 of them. Have harvested Epsilon, day 60 Orion is next, then Medusa, titan, Milky, way than Apollo and last Hyperion. so So far I have sampled Epsilon and Orion… like Orion better Got just a bit over 4 oz that looks like the least productive of the lot (Medusa 3-4 oz) The first Medusa was 19” tall got over 5 oz of super dense bud. This one looks more like 3-4 oz all the F1’s have very dense high production. Have been growing photo for ever, I am sold on autos the growth vigor is amazing. Seed to bud 60 - 80 days. 15”-20” plants with a little low stress training and timely pruning you can get 3 to 6 + oz of very nice bud each. When I have tested all I will review each. One tip really pay attention to the first growth as veg. stage can be as short as 2, 3 weeks. I pruned to early did not feed as much as I should have and still getting great results, think I could have got another 8”, 10” and really increased the yield.

    Av T. W. Den 07/Feb/2025 :

    Titel : GrowJoe
    Kommentar : Keiner Nachzügler aber die ersten blühten Bildung sehr nice

    Av J. G. Den 01/Feb/2025 :

    Titel : First F1, was it worth it?
    Kommentar : YES YES YES!!!! I grew autos this run. Northern Lights, which grew the tallest out of the bunch. Its buds are very far apart so it doesn’t seem to be optimal. NY Sour Diesel, which is shorter but packed with really nice smelling flower. By far the star of the show is the Titan F1. It not only shot up fast and tall but it is also covered with big sticky buds. Twice as fast and twice as fat. Awesome!

    Av D. A. Den 23/Jan/2025 :

    Titel : hmmmmmmm
    Kommentar : Not what i was expecting from a F1, compared to the orion i grew before, this one just doesnt seem to want to kick off. short, small, but yeah. flavours and smells are there. But still, i was expecting way more. price/quality , i had better results with cheaper seeds and strains. in wors conditions. Not bad, but not good either.-

    Av J. J. Den 20/Jan/2025 :

    Titel : Great strand
    Kommentar : Was a fun one to grow. Didn't get big. But was full of dense buds

    Av S. R. Den 18/Jan/2025 :

    Titel : This is the best of bests
    Kommentar : it grows real fast and it flowers even faster. buds are pretty dense. smells sweet. bushy. healthy looking. does not need loads of fertilizer.

    Av J. T. Den 17/Jan/2025 :

    Titel : Small but Mighty!
    Kommentar : I recently grew three F1 Hybrid seeds (Medusa, Hyperion & Titan) and while Titan was the slowest to germinate and the smallest plant by far, it ended up delivering the strongest, headiest high of the bunch. I’ll absolutely grow this one again!

    Av L. B. Den 07/Jan/2025 :

    Titel : L.B.
    Kommentar : Im Sommer Outdoor angebaut ist die Pflanze (ca75cm) trotz schlechtem Wetter sehr schön geworden - Wirkung und Geschmack überzeugen und nach Trocknung und Reifung absolut genial - habe direkt nachbestellt und jetzt 2 im Zelt stehen die noch besser als die letzte aussehen 😬✌️ - nur zu empfehlen

    Av M. B. Den 06/Jan/2025 :

    Titel : Titan F1 performing VERY well
    Kommentar : got 3 seeds germinanted them in 200ml recyclable paper pots with Lightmix, 1cm deep, 1 gr. Mykorrhiza per pot, used rain water from the garden in a mini growbox with root heating mat at 25C and they where ready after 3 days. after 1 week i planted them in 11l bags with Lightmix and 200g of cow dung pellets per pot and now at the end of week 2 they have 10cm height... i use organic nutrients from madame grow ... more follows

    Av N. R. Den 01/Jan/2025 :

    Titel : Mein neuer Favorit 🤩
    Kommentar : Bisher das beste Weed was ich seid dem 1 April angebaut habe . Fette Buds ,harzig und satter Ertrag

    Av S. G. Den 19/Dec/2024 :

    Titel : Nice yield from a tiny plant
    Kommentar : The F1 Titan was my second grow. My plants barely got to 16” height with LST. The tiny plants had VERY dense foliage. Maybe it was the silica that I used but the branches were very strong and thick. This made LST somewhat difficult but I managed. Because the branches were so strong a trellis or net was not needed making the plant easier to move and harvest. Considering the small size of the plants the colas were plentiful, large, and very dense. The smell was great (unlike the skunky smelling of my previous run). I smelled a bit of pine and vanilla. I wish I could buy cologne that smelled like these plants. I have read many reviews of this strain and a common complaint was low yield. One review said they got only 10 grams from a plant. Not my experience! I grew two plants and got 82 grams from one and 84 grams (dried) from the other. Considering the small size of the plants I was pleased with the yield. They tested at 23%.

    Av J. P. Den 09/Dec/2024 :

    Titel : F1 Titan
    Kommentar : Wanted to send some pictures the F1 Titan. The plant on the left is 16" tall and the plant on the right is 29" tall. The 2 plants immediately behind these are also Titans and are both about 27" tall. Very happy with all 4 plants and really happy with the production of the smallest plant. All were grown in the same soil with the same watering and feeding schedule. Love to have a greenhouse full of the small ones! Thank you RQS. Pictures don't want to upload.

    Av P. S. Den 09/Dec/2024 :

    Titel : F1 Titan- my new fav
    Kommentar : Great growing experience with The Titan F1. 100% germ rate, great easy grow,massive yield and great high. Its my new favorite!

    Av T. D. Den 08/Dec/2024 :

    Titel : Baubau
    Kommentar : Une très bonne weed de qualités

    Av K. D. Den 01/Dec/2024 :

    Titel : titan f1
    Kommentar : plant were very uniform . smelled really nice load with trichomes

    Du kan inte skriva en recension för du har inte köpt produkten
Från BP | 2023-10-03 19:23:40

Hey, My question was not answered to my satisfaction. My little Lady has whorled phyllotaxis means instead of two she has three leave pairs per nodules. Is it bad or should I be happy?? Thanks in advance! Best regards, Ben

Royal Queen Seeds Team

sometimes they arrive as triplets but it doesn't affect the development of the plant

Från Ich | 2023-09-02 07:15:01

Hey, how much would 1 Plant bring in gramms, when everything is going optimal? lets say with 720W LED Lamp from Lumii? 60g? 100g?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Flower yield depends strongly on the growing conditions and plant density. However, due to hybrid vigor, F1 hybrid varieties show more flower yield compared to the traditional strains.

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F1 Hybrid cannabisfrön


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F1 Hybrid cannabisfrön


Cannabisfrön kan distribueras fritt inom EU under principen om ömsesidigt erkännande. Dock är det ditt eget ansvar att kontrollera lokala lagar och förordningar innan du beställer.