• Lavender Royal Guardians

Lavender Royal Guardians

Lavender is an uplifting scent that calms the nerves, eases headaches and attracts beneficial critters to your marijuana patch. The rich fragrance is a stealthy smell in which to disguise the pungency of maturing cannabis.
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Companion plant Lavender. Lavender is a premium companion plant for your cannabis garden.


The breathtaking flower spears of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) will fill your garden with a scent prized by perfumers for its pheromone-like qualities. Aromatherapists appreciate it for its many medicinally active compounds. Civilisations of old cherished the lavender plant and used it for scented baths as was very popular during the Victorian era. Used in potpourris as a soporific. Tucked under pillows or in cupboards to deter moths and silverfish. Lavender has been used by prince and pauper alike for thousands of years.

An absolute guaranteed beneficial bug magnet the seductive bouquet of the pretty purple clusters attract several useful nectar and larvae feeding insects. Your plants will always be haloed with stoked bees. Fleas and ticks are repulsed by lavender and mice will go out of their way to avoid a lavender clump which is good news. Those little rodents can gnaw through your outer cambium and ring bark your precious girls. Crush a sprig of lavender in your palm and inhale deeply of the rich terpenes to alleviate headaches or calm anxiety. Rub on your clothes for smiling echoes all day.

Latin name Lavandula angustifolia
Type Perennial, schrub.
Height 30 - 45 cm
Harvest Natural – June; if pruned after harvest, 2nd – August bloom in Summer
Effect Strongly aromatic and distraction (purple flowers).
Climate Mediterranean , sunny, hot, protect from wind, warm season.
pH Prefers 6,5 to 7,5. Can grow between 6,1 and 8,5.
Soil Light, deep and not overly rich soil. Well-drained.
Germination 14 - 21 days / 10 - 16 °C
Spacing 45 - 60 cm
Seeds per gram 850 - 1300
Note Attract beneficient insects, repels pests. To continue vegetative growth, cut the stems 3-5 inches from the ground right before flowering.

    Av L. B. Den 29/May/2022 :

    Titel : Great buy
    Kommentar : Very happy with this. Germinated no problem and is growing nicely. Thanks RQS!

    Av A. M. Den 28/Apr/2022 :

    Titel : ordinate
    Kommentar : appena ordinate e curiosissimo del loro profumo

    Av A. G. Den 14/Jan/2022 :

    Titel : Yo
    Kommentar : Gut

    Av S. K. Den 06/Jan/2022 :

    Titel : Lavendel
    Kommentar : Good

    Av H. B. Den 19/Dec/2021 :

    Titel : Mr Milgram
    Kommentar : Première germi n'a donné qu'une seule pousse. Demande de la patience et de l'attention car les jeunes pousses sont fragiles, mais promet une belle plante avec de belles fleurs

    Av T. O. Den 18/Aug/2021 :

    Titel : Top, as always
    Kommentar : Because I like purple =)

    Av S. C. Den 29/Apr/2021 :

    Titel : Dudu
    Kommentar : Sent super bon 👌

    Av J. A. Den 27/Apr/2021 :

    Titel : Jerem
    Kommentar : Elles se porte bien avec mes mimosa auto. Impeccable 😊

    Av P. A. Den 23/Oct/2020 :

    Titel : Che profumo!
    Kommentar : Dopo qualche mese ho potuto già godere di uno splendido profumo toccando semplicemente le foglie.

    Av D. N. Den 25/May/2020 :

    Titel : Lavander
    Kommentar : not tried this ones yet but i doubt there will be anything wrong. thanks rqs

    Av J. V. Den 18/Apr/2020 :

    Titel : Groeit makkelijk
    Kommentar : Lekker lavendel naast de planten! Goeie hoeveelheid zaden.

    Av T. K. Den 09/Apr/2020 :

    Titel : Happy Gardener
    Kommentar : I was pleased to find RQS had lavender seeds as a companion plant as this is my favouret flower as the smell is incredible will look forward to them growing + it will defiantly get rid of that pungent smell, Thanks RQS Respect

    Av E. S. Den 09/Dec/2019 :

    Titel : Perfect
    Kommentar : Fast delivery, high quality product.

    Av R. D. Den 27/Sep/2019 :

    Titel : Trying to germinate right now
    Kommentar : Plenty of seeds in the pack. Trying to germinate now.

    Av G. L. Den 22/Jul/2019 :

    Titel : Compliqué à faire pousser
    Kommentar : Assez compliqué a faire pousser. La germination et l'apparition de pousses est assez longue. Et les pousses sont tres fragiles. Nécessite donc beaucoup d'attention et de compétences pour arriver à un pied adulte. Cependant c'est un prix correct et le service RQS est toujours aussi bon.

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