
A Symphony of Creativity

Prepare to embark on a sensory journey like no other. Born out of a passion for creative expression and freedom, Tropical Mirage is the perfect muse for creative souls. Break free from the chains of conformity with this uplifting, cerebral strain that'll serenade your mind and ignite your imagination.

Whether you're a professional musician, a visual artist, or simply looking to unleash your inner creative in your spare time, Tropical Mirage is the perfect companion. Let her fruity, tropical aroma and cerebral energy seduce your artistic spirit, and get ready to transcend your creative boundaries.

Unleash your creativity
  • Mind
  • Imagination
  • High
  • Mind

A Tropical Masterpiece

A tropical masterpiece

Tropical Mirage is the latest creation of Royal Queen Seeds' master breeders. Working hand-in-hand with DJ and Producer Henry Saiz, our team set out to create a strain to serve as the spark of inspiration for creatives from all walks of life. Finally, we're ready to present the result.

Tropical Mirage is a direct descendant of the almighty Zkittlez—a world-favourite hybrid. Combined with Forbidden Fruits and Melonade, Tropical Mirage is fruity, uplifting, and inspiring. Her tight, long, and resinous flowers reek of aromatic terpenes and pack an energising high that'll fuel any creative endeavour—from music and visual art to writing, dancing, and more.

In the grow room, Tropical Mirage is fast, reliable, and very high-yielding. With a little TLC, this hardy strain will reward you with enough bud to keep your creative flow running all year round.

Meet Henry Saiz — Always on the Hunt for Inspiration

Meet Henry Saiz — Always on the Hunt for Inspiration

At the heart of this unique collab is DJ and Producer Henry Saiz, a true luminary in the world of electronic music. Known for his immersive sets and groundbreaking productions that entrance listeners all over the globe, Henry Saiz loves the profound, timeless connection between cannabis, music, and art.

"Cannabis is the perfect companion for my creative process", Henry says. With Tropical Mirage, Henry and the team at RQS invite you to unleash your mind, connect with your soul, and express yourself in the ways most true to you.

*Only available in Spanish

Meet Henry Saiz

*Only available in Spanish

Grab your mirage in vinyl

Meet Henry Saiz

Available Packs

Meet Henry Saiz — Always on the Hunt for Inspiration
Pack 1
  • 5 Seeds
2 Posters
Meet Henry Saiz — Always on the Hunt for Inspiration
Pack 2
  • 5 Seeds
2 Posters
Sticker Set
Special Box
Meet Henry Saiz — Always on the Hunt for Inspiration
Pack 3
  • 5 Seeds
2 Posters
Sticker Set
Special Box
Collector’s edition Vinyl
Pack 1
  • 5 Seeds
2 Posters
Pack 2
  • 5 Seeds
2 Posters
Sticker Set
Special Box
Pack 3
  • 5 Seeds
2 Posters
Sticker Set
Special Box
Collector’s edition Vinyl

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